Names of God: YHWH

Hello Beloved,

As we begin our summer session in 2021, we move from the compound names of God associated with Elohim to the names of God associated with Yahweh (please note the presumed vowels, which were added later to YHWH, or sometimes pronounced from the Latin Bible as Jehovah). This name of God first appears in Genesis 2:4 as Yahweh-Elohim. Eve (Gen 4:1), Noah (Gen 9:26), and Abraham (Gen 12:8;15:2,8) all used this personal name of God. However, it was to Moses that God revealed the deep significance of this name (Ex 6:3). Moses requested that the Lord should tell him the name he was to communicate when asked, “What is the name of Him who sent you?” Speaking from the burning bush, God identified Himself as “I Am Who I Am” (Ex 3:14).

The name of YHWH became sacred to the Jews because it was His personal name given to His people. Therefore, whenever Yahweh appeared in the Bible, the Jews would vocally substitute God’s name of “Adonai” to protect from taking God’s personal name in vain. You can still perceive this in our translations today. For instance, in the Authorized or King James version, Yahweh is translated into small capital letters “LORD” to distinguish it from “Adonai” which is translated “Lord,” but with small under-case letters.

YHWH comes from the Hebrew verb “havah,” meaning “to be” or “being.” The name relates to God’s active existence or the fact that He is the Self-existent One. Yahweh is without beginning or end, possessing essential life and permanent existence. In fact, the LORD (YHWH) is the one who causes being itself. This name was communicated by special revelation to God’s people so that they would be assured of His presence with them. God’s presence infers his power to work on behalf of His people, the protection of His people, His continual dealing with His people, and God’s unchanging faithfulness to keep covenant with His people.

God revealed Himself in a personal way to Moses; and therefore, to His people through the name of Yahweh. He has revealed Himself in an even greater way through His own Son, the Word become flesh, Jesus Christ. Throughout Jesus’ ministry, God revealed the redemptive plan of the personal God, Yahweh, whenever Jesus used the phrase “I Am” as cited in the book of John. Possibly the most powerful “I Am” statement can be found in Jesus’ communication to the religious leaders, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am” (John 8:58 ESV). Jesus’ response and specific use of language made a direct allusion to the “I AM” of Genesis 3:14, which was a clear claim to deity. Recognizing the gravity of Jesus’ assertion, the text goes on to state,So they picked up stones to throw at him, but Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple” (John 8:59 ESV).

Let us reverence the holy name of YHWH, but let us also remember that He gave us His personal name because He wants a personal relationship. Someone once asked evangelist Dwight Moody how he managed to remain so intimate in his relationship with Christ. Moody replied, “I have come to Him as the best friend I have ever found, and I can trust Him in that relationship. I have believed He is Savior; I have believed He is God; I have believed His atonement on the cross is mine, and I have come to Him and submitted myself on my knees, surrendered everything to Him, and gotten up and stood by His side as my friend and there isn’t any problem in my life, there isn’t any uncertainty in my work but I turn and speak to Him as naturally as to someone in the same room, and I have done it these years because I can trust Jesus.”

Until next time, this is Pastor Daniel writing, May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.

*Material for this newsletter article are taken from the notes of Jim Smith, Professor of Bible and Theology at Brookes Bible College.